February 28, 2011

everything but a smile

In an effort to get this child to smile for the camera.............







February 27, 2011

tummy time?

He doesn't quiet understand the point of tummy time, but that is because he has bad parents. We should have started doing tummy time with him from the start, but we just recently started doing it. He'll get better every day.


February 26, 2011

first real bath

I had my first bath in the big boy tub tonight and loved it! I didn't cry at all.
Here is my cute curly hair when I was all fresh & clean after the bath.


See parts of the bath here & here!!

Here are some cute pictures of me earlier today in my new Rolling Stones shirt that Pops bought me.




my first kimono

Look what Daddy bought for me...Aren't I cute?


February 25, 2011

one month old

Grayson is 1 month old!!

Here is a photo from today...


Compare it to when he was a week old...


I can't believe it...I feel like it was just yesterday! He is getting bigger and, if possible, cuter. He had his doctor's appointment on Tuesday and gained 3 lbs, 2oz since his last appointment 3 weeks ago. Most babies gain 1/2 oz - 1 oz/day...he gained more than 2 ounces/day. He went from the 10th percentile to the 75th percentile!! In a nutshell, he is chubby as hell nice and healthy. It is satisfying to know that all the late night feedings and (what seems like) constant nursing has paid off!

He is obviously eating well, getting up twice during the night to eat. For the most part he goes right back to sleep, which is great for me. He has his fussy periods but we're learning how to deal with it. We only use a pacifier when we are desperate. His favorite place to sleep is ON mommy and daddy, but he will also take some nice naps in his new bouncy seat.

Besides having Grammy Church come for 8 days, Grayson's Great-Aunt Doni & Grandma Loreto also came to meet him.

Grayson is able to focus more and more on our faces, and has had a few smiles, a great one caught on video!!

Another photo from today (look at all that chub!!)...


And from when he was just a few days old...


1 Month Stats:
10 lb, 4 oz
21.5 inches

February 21, 2011

February 19, 2011

bad hair day

This is what happened after the folks gave me a bath...







February 18, 2011

my first walk

Mommy took me on my first walk around the block today because the weather was so nice. She said I enjoyed it but I wouldn't know since I was asleep the entire time.


February 16, 2011

to aunt ginny & uncle george, from grayson

Thank you for my new hat....I love it!!! (even though I have a stink face on)



February 15, 2011

3 weeks old

Grayson is 3 weeks old today. I can't believe it...the time has gone by so fast!! He is still eating like a champ. In fact, he gets very irritated when he ISN'T eating. I like to think it is a growth spurt, and that he won't be this fussy forever. Although the last few days have been better...I think it is just typical newborn stuff...he likes to eat and be held 24/7. At least he wants to eat...it could be SO MUCH worse if he wasn't interested in eating. His sleeping is all over the place, although he really only wakes up once during the night (not counting the midnight and 5am feedings). Hopefully it will become consistent once I return to work. He smiles in his sleep sometimes, but hasn't had a real social smile yet...I'm looking forward to that!

happy with mama...

hangin' with dad...



a googly, cross-eyed look...

February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day from Mommy's Little Heart Breaker!!



the many faces of grayson

This is how I let mama and pops know that I am pissed off and hungry beyond belief. It doesn't matter if it has been 2 hours or 2 minutes since I last had some milk, I become irrationally displeased if I have to wait longer than a split second to get some time on the boob again. I expect immediate gratification.



This is my drunken look...I become red in the face, greasy, and bloated after I eat. Daddy calls me a pig.



This is how you may find me after I eat. Mommy calls it my milk coma...although I'm not quite sure what that means. Mom & Dad know I'm truly passed out when my arms are up like this.




And this is my cute, sweet, content face I make when I am listening closely to what Mama and Daddy say. This was taken at 3am when Mama was explaining that I should be asleep because I am just "a new guy" and need my sleep. I am clearly fed and comfortable, if you notice my limp arms at my side, making Mom think I am about to fall asleep. That wasn't the case.


Here I am looking exactly like dad. Only cuter.


February 11, 2011

February 8, 2011

first bottle

I have been having some trouble breastfeeding so we will give him SOME of his feedings in a bottle. Here is Daddy giving Grayson his very first bottle. Some babies don't take the bottle easily after nursing exclusively, but he hasn't had trouble going back and forth. He isn't picky about how he gets his milk!!


To Grammy, From Grayson

Thanks Grammy for coming to help my Mommy & Daddy!! I had fun, and am sad that you left. I guess my plan didn't work...I was hoping my evening long crying fit would make you stay longer. Oh well.

Thanks again for my sweater and hat...sorry I puked all over it.



cranky pants

Grayson sure tested our patience last night when he was screaming, crying, and inconsolable until around 2am. We were wondering if he was sick, overtired, or just fussy. We used the pacifier for the first time, and since it is not recommended while breastfeeding, I think I actually cried when it first went in his mouth. It helped, and by the middle of the night it fell out of his mouth and he didn't seem to care. This morning he seems to be back to normal. Here's hoping...since Grammy went back to Michigan today, and Mommy is all alone for the first time since baby boy arrived.


