And one month old...
Our beautiful little man is 2 months old. In some ways it feels like only yesterday that he was born. In other ways it seems much longer than 2 months. Look back to when he was just a few hours old...

This past month, he has been able to follow objects with his eyes, lift his head when on his belly, has been cooing more at Mom and Dad, and smiles in response to us. He is still breastfeeding very well, but after going a week without having a bottle, we are struggling to get him to take the bottle again. We have tried different nipples, and even thought he accepts it into his mouth, he won't suck on it. We are offering a bottle throughout the day and are hoping he'll start feeding from it soon.
Grayson has not yet developed a sleeping schedule. I'm hoping he'll fall into one before I return to work. As of now, he sometimes starts his night around 10 and sleeps until 8am or so (only waking to eat), but other times he will be awake from 9pm-midnight and be up at 8am. For the most part though, he is down by 12pm and wakes twice in the night to eat. While he is sleeping better, his favorite place to sleep is still on Mommy or Daddy's chest:

He is very squirmy and loud when he sleeps...THIS is what we hear throughout the night.
We have been putting him in his crib during the day to familiarize him with his bed and his room, since that is where the nanny will put him for his naps. Speaking of the nanny, we found a woman who will watch him on Mondays and Thursdays. Shane will be with him on Sundays, and I will work those three days of the week beginning April 25th.
This month his visitors included my friend Lori (I forgot to get a picture), Grandma Loreto,

and my friend Jen,

Grayson still loves bath time, which has become part of his bedtime routine (I just wish we could do it every night...probably not the best for his skin though??). He also seems to love it when we read to him. I have been reading him my favorite books when I was young, and he smiles and coos at me while I read. Grayson
Grayson also skyped for the first time with Grammy and Granddad Church!!
Here are some random pictures from the month:

2 month stats:
12 pounds, 7 ounces
23.5 inches
Compared to:
7 pounds
20.5 inches
1 month:
10 pounds, 4 ounces
21.5 inches
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