December 28, 2012

December 25, 2012

Christmas has come!

IMG_3493 IMG_3496 Somehow this kid knew just what to do with all those gifts! IMG_3497 IMG_3499 IMG_3502 IMG_3504 IMG_3509 IMG_3516 IMG_3520 IMG_3527 IMG_3528 IMG_3530 IMG_3533 IMG_3546 He takes Christmas very seriously: IMG_3550 IMG_3567 IMG_3578 IMG_3581 IMG_3594 IMG_3598 Teegan enjoyed watching all of the action from his jumperoo. IMG_3603 IMG_3604 IMG_3606 IMG_3607 IMG_3612 After the initial Christmas morning frenzy, Teegan wanted to get dressed in his holiday best. IMG_3615 IMG_3616 IMG_3620 IMG_3621 The boys ended the day by helping me blow out my birthday candles. IMG_3629 IMG_3631 IMG_3635 IMG_3640 IMG_3644

December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

We kicked the holiday off by opening one present on Christmas Eve. IMG_3360 IMG_3364 IMG_3365 IMG_3366 IMG_3369 IMG_3374 IMG_3377 IMG_3381 IMG_3384 IMG_3392 IMG_3395 IMG_3420 IMG_3422 IMG_3423 IMG_3430 IMG_3435 IMG_3436 IMG_3437 IMG_3450 After Grayson went to sleep, I put the presents under the tree. I LIVE for this kind of thing!! IMG_3459 IMG_3464 IMG_3471 IMG_3476