December 4, 2012

three months old

IMG_3135 Compare to 1 month, 2 months.

Teegan loves his playmat and has been getting better at tummy time. IMG_2743 IMG_2753 IMG_2758 IMG_2992 IMG_2960 IMG_2972 IMG_2981
As always, he LOVES being in Mama and Dada's bed... IMG_3073 IMG_3080 ...but we are trying to get him used to his own crib. IMG_3114 IMG_3115 IMG_3118 IMG_3122
Grammy came after having to rearrange her plans due to Hurricane Sandy. IMG_2764 IMG_2772 IMG_2776 IMG_2783 IMG_2786 Then Grandad and Auntie Lori came to visit too!! IMG_2872 IMG_2881 IMG_2884 IMG_2887 IMG_2888 IMG_2889 IMG_2893 IMG_2906 IMG_2910 IMG_2915 IMG_2922 IMG_2930 Grayson loves doing tummy time with his baby brother... IMG_2803 IMG_2804 IMG_2805 IMG_2934 IMG_2944

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