May 11, 2013

My brave trip to Michigan with two tiny munchkins.

Grayson started off the vacation with refusing to have his photo taken.
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Teegan continued his cruising skills. IMG_5763 - Copy IMG_5767 - Copy

Teegan decided to have a bit (a lot) of stranger anxiety when we were in Michigan. Since Shane didn't come with us, it made the experience extra fun for me. I couldn't even take a shower alone, so I had Teeg play with some toys on the floor of the bathroom while I kept one eye on him. Here is Grandad remaining still so as not to wake the beast. IMG_5772 - Copy IMG_5773 - Copy IMG_5775 - Copy IMG_5778 - Copy

Grayson loved exploring the backyard. Grandad is showing him Great Grandma & Grandad Church's frog. IMG_5781 - Copy IMG_5799

Someone wasn't a fan of the grass. IMG_5783 - Copy IMG_5785 - Copy

Grayson attempted to make friends with the kids from the neighborhood. I think he was more interested in the dogs than the kids. IMG_5789

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Grammy got some free child labor out of her eldest grandson. IMG_5806 IMG_5810 IMG_5813 IMG_5814 IMG_5853 IMG_5862 IMG_5869

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Poor little Grayson came down with a bug, luckily it only lasted for less than a day. IMG_5999

Teegan obviously wasn't affected by whatever Grayson had. IMG_6004 IMG_6008 IMG_6014 IMG_6016 IMG_6018 IMG_6029 IMG_6032 IMG_6035

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