Compare to 1 month, 2 months, 3 months,
Grayson has started reaching for objects, talking (cooing) and laughing more, and his neck is very strong now so he can control his head when he is upright.

He isn't rolling over yet, but spends more time on his tummy which is supposed to help him reach that milestone. He is constantly putting his hands (or whatever is in his hands) in his mouth...

I think he'll be sitting soon, as he tries to lift his head when he is laid back on a pillow. He is growing up so fast!
He has been napping better, and even takes long (1-2 hours) naps without waking up. This isn't consistent yet, but anything is an improvement from only sleeping in our arms. His shorts naps have gone from 15-20 minutes to 30-40 minutes. He has fallen asleep in various places without screaming or without our help so we assume his sleep patterns are changing and maturing. The past 3-4 nights he is waking up more though. I'd like to think this is a phase or teething...if not, I will be in the nuthouse soon.
I went back to work when he turned 3 months old, and I am still getting used to being a working mother. I wish I could be with Grayson all the time, but I have a great work schedule. I work Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays, and every 3rd Saturday, so we only have a nanny twice a week. So far the nanny (Claudia) is working out wonderfully. She is very warm and loving towards Grayson and he seems very happy and comfortable with her. She is teaching him baby sign language and only speaks Spanish to him, so he is already learning a lot.
His 4-month doctor's appointment is on Friday so we'll see how much he has gained. I'm guessing he is about 15 1/2 pounds and 24 1/2 inches long.
Remember to check out his latest videos. Here are some random photos from this month...

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