July 27, 2011

brunch with the ladies

We walked to Grayson's doctor, which is about 2 miles downtown. He is doing very well, weighing in at 17 lbs 13 oz, and 27 inches long. That is 50% for weight and 75% for height. He is pretty much doing everything he is expected to do at this age, except rolling over and eating baby food. She didn't seem too concerned about either one...I'm sure with time he'll get there.

After the appointment we met a few a my friends for brunch. It was wonderful weather...not the 100 degree heat we had last week!

Mommy, where are my girlfriends?!?

If I wasn't so impressed with all the traffic I would pay more attention to Aunty Jen Jen.

I love my girlfriends, Jen & Lori.

I was so excited to see my ladies that I slept through the whole meal. I was a bad date.

I made it all the way back home without having a breakdown!! I'm growing up so fast!!

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