August 10, 2011

bus ride to Central Park

I took Grayson to a (free trial) music class last week and he LOVED it. He cried a few times for a few seconds, but he was pretty intrigued for the whole 45 minutes. Apparently people in New York are willing to pay anything for their infants to take any class. I have been looking for some more reasonable classes, because I'm sure they're out there. So I found a summer program that offers music/storytime in the city playgrounds. This week it was held at a playground in Central Park near 76th St. I took Grayson on the bus for the first time to avoid sweating like a pig by walking there and walk. It went very well!! Well, except we had to leave before the music started. They started off with the history of brass and the french horn (not sure how that holds the attention of a 3 year old!!), but he was ready for a nap anyway. It was good to get out and walk through the park a little. He fell asleep while we waited for the bus home. What a good boy!!







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