Compare to 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months.
What a BUSY month I've had!!
I have been sitting without any help!! Gosh I am growing up so fast!

I will never roll over no matter what you do or say. I will never be convinced. Give up trying. Actually, I am exaggerating. I have been rolling both ways every once in a while. But I like being on my tummy. See?

Occasionally I try to push on my my knees....I think I'll try crawling in the next few months.
I LOVE to play peek-a-boo!! Here I am playing peek-a-boo with Mommy's dress.

Mommy and I went to visit her co-worker Sarah. Sarah made Mommy french toast and bacon. I was devastated that Mommy didn't let me have any. She's the meanest Mom.

I skyped again with Grammy and Granddad. It is so fun!

I have been napping well in my crib, and often fall asleep on my own!! Sometimes I'll throw a hairy screaming fit, but that's only because I have so many things to do and don't have time for silly naps. Mama and Dad have been putting me in my crib at night for the past few nights. See, I love Mom & Dad sooooo much, and like to sleep near them, so until now I've been sleeping in a bassinet next to Mommy or in the bed with my two favorite people. Because Mommy keeps saying how tired she is, I thought I'd try to sleep in the room with all of my toys. It's been okay so far...on the first night I slept from 12-6am without making a peep, and the second night I woke up to eat at 11pm & 4am but slept until 7:30am (after crying and refusing to go to sleep at 8pm). I'll do it eventually.
Mommy has tried giving me many kinds of food...rice cereal, apples, peas, squash, bananas, carrots, green beans, apricots, pears, sweet potatoes. For the last few days I have been opening my mouth for the spoon....for a month someone would have to sneak it in.

Check out my latest videos to see me try my first cheerios.
I still love to chew on my toes. Mmmmm, toes.

We went on our first family vacation to Connecticut. Mommy has five blog posts if you want to see how much fun we had!!
Mommy took me to the local library for baby story time....I was so well behaved!!

I went in the swing for the first time while we waited for the library to open:

Mommy also took me to her work to show me off to all of her coworkers. The chicks loved all over me. She said I had been there every day with her for 10 months, but I don't recall that. I think she's lying.
Random photos from the month:

Great pictures of a very alert, happy baby. Can't wait to see him and you, Teresa.