August 30, 2012

Grayson & Teegan meet!!

I have been very nervous about how Grayson will react to his baby brother coming home. I don't want my relationship with him to change or for him to feel jealous or threatened in any way. I also don't want him to hurt the baby!!

When Teegan came home, Grayson was curious and I imagine confused about this little creature. He was checking him out a lot and laughed when the baby cried.

I was pleasantly surprised by his reaction. He already seems to like his baby brother!! IMG_1609 IMG_1610 IMG_1612 IMG_1613 IMG_1614 IMG_1615 IMG_1617 IMG_1618 IMG_1619 IMG_1620 IMG_1621 IMG_1622 IMG_1626 IMG_1627 IMG_1629 IMG_1631 IMG_1630 IMG_1632 IMG_1633 IMG_1634 IMG_1638 IMG_1639 IMG_1640 IMG_1641 IMG_1642 IMG_1645 IMG_1646 IMG_1649 IMG_1650 IMG_1653 IMG_2500 IMG_2492 IMG_2512

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