January 31, 2013

five months old

IMG_4240 Compare to 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months.

Teegan is 5 months old!! Wow I can't believe it's been that long. As each month passes, I have mixed emotions and it is definitely bittersweet to see my baby boy get older. I know things will get easier as Teeg gets bigger and more independent, but I will really miss having a baby around to hold and cuddle. So I am trying to cherish every moment with him, and live in the moment.
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Teegan is not rolling over, and hasn't even turned to his sides yet. He is sitting with only little assistance already though. He topples over after a short time but Grayson wasn't at this point until he was almost 6 months old, if I remember correctly.
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Teegan already has had his first cold (we think its just a cold). He started with a cough last Sunday and had a low grade fever. He has been eating well still so we didn't have to take him to doctor and expose him to all the nasty things going around. Grayson came down with it a few days later and seemed to feel much worse than Teeg, but they are both doing okay now, it seems.
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Teeg is a very happy, sweet little guy. He smiles and laughs, and loves to be held. He is still only breastfeeding, but will start some cereal in a few weeks. I can't believe it's already time for that! We have to start trying to get him to nap regularly in his crib, because he isn't doing well with that yet.
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Here are some photos from the month: IMG_3687 IMG_3735 IMG_3921 IMG_3988 IMG_3999 IMG_3994

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