Grayson is 3 weeks old today. I can't believe it...the time has gone by so fast!! He is still eating like a champ. In fact, he gets very irritated when he ISN'T eating. I like to think it is a growth spurt, and that he won't be this fussy forever. Although the last few days have been better...I think it is just typical newborn stuff...he likes to eat and be held 24/7. At least he wants to could be SO MUCH worse if he wasn't interested in eating. His sleeping is all over the place, although he really only wakes up once during the night (not counting the midnight and 5am feedings). Hopefully it will become consistent once I return to work. He smiles in his sleep sometimes, but hasn't had a real social smile yet...I'm looking forward to that!
happy with mama...

hangin' with dad...

a googly, cross-eyed look...
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