March 20, 2011

i still love the boob

My Mommy was so stressed out today because I stopped wanting a bottle. She even cried a few times, saying she doesn't want to go back to work...and she won't stop kissing me!! Geez, chicks are so emotional. A few weeks ago she was crying because I ONLY wanted the bottle and didn't want to nurse and now this. Man, Mommy has such mood swings!! I was only trying to make her happy by only wanting the boob...the woman needs to make up her mind. But after talking on the phone to Grammy and Grammy's cousin Tish, Mommy took a walk to Target and bought some new nipples (she just wanted an excuse to go to me). I realized that some plastic nipples aren't as bad as I thought. Daddy gave me a bottle and said how proud he was of me when I sucked a little. I didn't want much but the folks were happy with that, and said I can try again tomorrow. They say now I won't starve when Mommy goes back to work, whatever that means.

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