Compare to 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months.
This month Grayson had his first trip away from home. We went to Long Island for the day for Shane's brother's engagement party. He was incredibly well behaved the entire time. We didn't know what to expect since it was his first time around a group of people and in a noisy environment, etc. Yet he managed to eat, sleep, and charm a few people. He let us know he was ready to leave when he peed all over Daddy's shirt. He had a minor breakdown (bloody murder-could hardly breathe-screaming fit) when we couldn't find a route home through the Puerto Rican Day Parade, but we were only 15 minutes from home so it could have been worse.
What's new this month:
He is obviously more comfortable in the exersaucer...
15 weeks old

20 weeks old

He is also turning on his sides a lot. It is now his favorite way to sleep. He still hasn't rolled over but this is a big start!

He is also sitting with (a lot) of assistance.

Check out the latest videos of him to see him trying to sit.
Grayson also is now responding to his name. That seems really early do be doing that, but I swear he consistently looks at us when we call his name.
He loves to constantly cross his legs.

I guess this is what he does when he's supposed to be napping!!

He also recently discovered his toes....

MY new favorite hobby is spying on him with the video monitor. I LOVE it!

He had a visit from Grammy & Aunty Aunt Ginny (my mom and Aunt Ginny) one Friday when they came in from Connecticut. His Aunty Jen Jen (my friend Jennifer) also came for a baby fix.

Grayson is still napping fairly well during the day (30 minutes to 2 hours at a time) but still wakes up a few times at night. He sleeps an average of 3 hours at a time during the night. We're hoping that when he starts solid foods next month he'll sleep longer stretches.
Some random photos from the month...

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