Teegan just pulled to a standing position while sitting in his crib...oh boy, look out!!
Teegan tried his first Cheerios....they were a hit, of course.
This little man is just the sweetest!!
Random photos from the month:
I love starting traditions with the kids because I have such great memories of my own childhood. Hopefully Teegan and Grayson will appreciate these moments when they are older.
Teegan has been perfecting his sitting skills....he needs no assistance and only occasionally topples over.
Teegan is super duper delicious and snuggable. I tell him all the time. He is a perfect gentleman too, as you can see from the bowtie:
He has been playing more with his toys, and his brother.
Teegan got a new high chair in preparation for eating his first food!!
Teegan tried his first bite of food ever....cereal!
Gray & Teeg had their first dinner date.